Sunnyside Road Church of Christ

Check out our new ministry for mothers: MomCo!

A Passion for People

Come discover what genuine Christian love feels like!

How to find us

We’re easy to find just off Highway 36 on Sunnyside Road in Decatur, Illinois.

Calendar of Events

There is something for everyone from in-depth Bible studies for all ages, to service opportunities, to a place to make new friends. Everyone has a story and we want to hear yours!

News & Notes

Here is the latest bulletin from our congregation.

Sunnyside Around the World!

We don’t keep the good news to ourselves. Sunnyside supports missions in Kenya, Nigeria, Guyana, South America, and in Illinois.

Roll Up Your Sleeves

Christians make the world a better place. We support Shultz-Lewis Child and Family services and Central Illinois Christians in Mission.

We’re a Family!

We’re not a club. We’re not an organization. We’re a family of forgiven people on a quest to follow Jesus.

Looking for Bible Lessons?

““I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”

C.S. Lewis